Moving forward

Yesterday was the winter solstice, the turning of darkness back towards light. Today was my last day at work.  Tomorrow I begin to explore the next phase of my life. Tomorrow is also Christmas Eve.  

This image captures many of my feelings at this time. A vision of a timeless mass of rock, partly obscured by cloud but glimpses of light appearing at the fringes of the mountain, soon to become clearer, more defined, tangible.

Daybreak on the beach

The weather forecast pedicts rain. All night; all morning, all afternoon, continuous rain. But I have a camera that I just need to try out. It has replaced my Leica M10 , A camera more suited to the photography I plan to explore. I have an idea, an early morning trip to the coast to catch the early light. Pauline is keen too so the alarm is set for 5am. It rains all night, it’s raining as we leave home, why does this forecast have to be right?. As we drive south towards Rye the sky lightens in the east and we arrive before sunrise. The rain has stopped, for now at least so a brisk walk to the beach as the sky lightens and the clouds gain in definition. On the beach the eroded groynes look ideal for foreground interest, the low tide provides a transition to the horizon where the sky awaits. Even Dungeness Power Station makes and appearance to draw the eye. Rain does not hold off for long though and the constant rain drops landing on the filter is a real pain. But I have some shots, some appear promising, and so it’s time to head home for breakfast. Oh yes, the camera? The Sony Alpha 7R IV. Yes, I think it will enjoy this one a lot.



It was one of those days. We were away in Yorkshire staying with friends. We went out for the afternoon to the Yorkshire Arboretum. I was expecting trees, lots of trees, but could there be a special tree, a magic tree, a subject for this blog post. After hours of cloud and rain the weather had brightened but in early afternoon the light was just very ordinary. The trees were many, lots of different trees, specimen trees, groups of trees, 6000 trees but no magic tree in sight. The place is vast, 128 acres, surely there is something, somewhere in this vastness of trees. And there was, in spite of the undramatic light, the somewhat arranged nature of the nature, there was finally a tree with promise, a Tilia ‘Wratislaviensis’ Golden Lime. It needed some work, find the best composition, the best shape, yes fit it to a square format, get the best RAW image and hope that Lightroom can add the final touch. Irrespective.



Chanc­ton­bury Ring is a pre­his­tor­ic hill fort. It is spe­cial place. I have passed by many times on runs and nev­er had the time to stop and soak up the feel­ing. Most times I have seen the trees ap­pear from a thick swirl­ing mist (it's of­ten breezy here) or hid­den by dark­ness, or cloaked in twi­light and even bathed in moon­light. Each leav­ing an im­pres­sion on me of an an­cient un­earthly pres­ence. Today I was in West Sus­sex with a few hours to spare. I had my cam­era gear in the car. Ok that's ba­sic­ally good. But it's mid­day, it's bright sun­light with blue cloud­less sky, it's the worst pos­sible con­di­tion for a mood pho­to. So ob­vi­ously the only choice is a hike up the big hill to Chanc­ton­bury Ring. I have a vis­ion and it looks noth­ing like it. Luck­ily I have Light­room and it can make moods. So, get the com­pos­i­tion right, ex­pose cor­rectly and do the rest on the com­puter. This im­age really stretches the bound­ar­ies but some­times I think it's ac­cept­able to cre­ate what you see in your mind. Paint­ing with light taken to its extreme. I have put a less ma­nip­u­lated ver­sion in the tree gal­lery but I quite like this one. It's how I ima­gine this sur­real, oth­er­worldly spe­cial place.

Chanctonbury Ring

Chanctonbury Ring


The way forward is not clear. So much has happened. But so much remains the same. We will make it through.


Spring Retrospective

Spring is here. Regardless. Coming at a pace. Like it does every year. Without fail. Buds are bursting open. Leaves are forming. Blossom is filling the air with its intoxicating scent. Pollinators are responding. Life carries on, regardless.
